Technical Tours
Get those gears moving and generate some brain power! Technical tours are always interesting and it’s always fun to see how things get made!
Program Includes
Learn about olive oil and experience first-hand the satisfaction of sampling many styles of olive oils and vinegars The tools of our trade are our human senses and our experience. Learn about the history of olive oil and recipes handed down through generations that call for only the finest ingredients. Hear how olive oil can positively affect a healthy diet.
See one of the world’s largest manufacturing auto engine plants and see the assembly line in action.
Tour the region’s main postal office and see the machines and how mail is cased, sorted and processed for delivery.
Visit a brewery, learn about the brewing process, the difference between craft brews and commercially produced ales. And at the end, try a sample or two.
Visit and tour Buffalo Niagara’s Medical Campus. Learn about the upcoming multi-million dollar additions to the campus, including the UB Medical School, and John R. Oishei Children’s Hospital. This includes interior visits at the Hauptman-Woodward Institute, UB’s Center of Excellence in Bioinformatics and other buildings along Buffalo’s “medical corridor.”
The Original American Kazoo Factory is the only place in the US that still makes metal kazoos. See the museum, learn the history, watch them being made and even make one yourself!