“Ink & Insight: 20 Years of Adam Zyglis Cartoons:
One Museum Court
Buffalo, NY 14216
March 12, 2025
Recurring weekly on Sunday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday

For the past two decades, Pulitzer Prize-winning editorial cartoonist Adam Zyglis has created more than 4,000 pieces of visual commentary for The Buffalo News, keeping his pen on the pulse of local, national, and international news. Zyglis has carried on this important tradition of free expression, after his Pulitzer-winning predecessors Tom Toles and Bruce Shanks, with a focus on comforting the afflicted and afflicting the comfortable. Day in and day out, Zyglis has employed wit, biting satire, and caricature to direct our attention to hard truths and injustice, with the ultimate goal of pushing society forward.
Come enjoy this 20-year retrospective collection of dozens of his cartoons, spanning four presidents and five governors.