Burning Buffalo Bar & Grill
Buffalo, NY 14216

Our inspiration began with our name. The Burning Buffalo. Shortly after midnight on December 30, 1813, British troops crossed the Niagara River and sacked the Village of Buffalo. As frenzied residents escaped with what food and valuables they could carry, the British troops looted the village and flung blazing torches through smashed windows. Fire quickly consumed all but a handful of the 150 wooden buildings.
Within a week residents trickled back to find smoldering piles of black ash amidst a landscape of virgin snow. Built on a foundation of pride, resilience, compassion and generosity, what arose from those ashes would eventually become the great city we know today. The values and spirit of our earliest citizens, forged in fire, remain to this day at the core of every Buffalonian.
The Burning Buffalo Bar & Grill aims to embody these values and honor our city’s rich history by proudly featuring local products, delivering an exceptional guest experience and providing a welcoming environment where our guests and neighbors can create enduring relationships and indelible memories.